October 15, 2007


Does not matter how you spell it, they now all of a sudden have fans-o-plenty. It is so amazing how people of all walks of life always want to latch onto a winner. I do believe that the "Rockies" will win it and head to the world series, however lets look at past baseball history a bit...

I guess everyone forgot about a new team in Florida called the marlins.... IE the Rockies today... true they had their real fans but when they made it to the playoffs, look out! They came out of the woodwork! Now, there is nothing wrong in attaching yourself to a winner, but at least admit it, come clean and say it, instead of just jumping on the bandwagon! BTW, I believe the owners of the Colorado Rockies will do the same thing the marlins owner did after they made it this far.... SELL THE TEAM! After all it is a business and money is money, can you imagine they built a nice brand new stadium in Miami for the marlins, seats 60,ooo and they went thru several home games with less than 300 fans in the stadium... nice when you are the winners, but lose a few after and the band wagoner's are all gone!

August 23, 2007

Best Buddies

Sometimes the picture says it all!

August 01, 2007

Wanna Play?

Awwe poor puppy, he just wants to play:) I couldn't resist this adorable picture!

July 21, 2007


Two News Anchors Lose it during a live newscast!


July 20, 2007


Tiffany loves the reality show Big Brother, well this season she hasn't been able to see all the shows yet, we watche the shows when she can (thanks to tivo) and hopefully soon we will be all caught up and up to date. Something just happened that I think was pretty funny, even though I kinda feel bad for The Tiffster. You see we are sitting here, it's Friday night and we are watching Entertainment Tonight, and they just started a story about Big Brother so of course Tiffany perks up and is watching it and BAM without warning the fine folks at ET just blurted out that Joe was evicted last night! Talk about a spoiler, you see as I said above we haven't even seen last weeks show yet, so to hear who got evicted last night ruined it all! Now poor Tiff , who takes this show much more seriously that I do, is all bummed out and is, as I am writing this is sending a scathing email to ET to complain about not giving a spoiler warning first. Look out ET, shes a great writer!

July 18, 2007


So, I finally went to the Ophthalmologist for an eye exam. This guy looked as though he was 17 years old and still in high school, I had to ask how old he was and his reply, he just turned 32! I swear he didn't look a day over 17, if that.
In either case he is my new eye doctor and he did a great job, although I hate when they do all those tests for glaucoma and the one where they blow air in your eye to check your eye pressure, I'm not sure which one is worse, come to think of it they both made me cry so they are both bad, however now that I think about it, the drops are probably worse because that one lasts for about 30 minutes! What a weird feeling when your eyes do all that, I get dizzy and just sit down and hope the 30 minutes gets here quick. Well the verdict is in, and as you can see from the picture, I have a new item in my wardrobe...glasses, he suggested I wear them to drive for sure, now since these are for distance I can't see stuff up close clearly when i am wearing these, which doesn't make to much sense to me...wear them to drive to see in the distance but don't worry about seeing the speedometer in the car, huh? Does this make sense to you?

July 13, 2007


Why can't we all just get along! I have been going to the same salon since I moved to Denver 3 years ago... I have also been going to the same stylist until recently, here's what happened, I needed my hair done bad called to make an appointment and my regular stylist was on vacation, I needed my haircut and there was no way I could wait ten days for her to get back, so I asked for someone else. Well I was nervous but this guy was amazing, my hair never looked so good! So three weeks later when I needed my hair done, I booked an appointment with him again, after all why would I go back to the prior stylist when he did such a great job? Anyway I have been going to this guy now for several months, and never saw the "Prior stylist" when I went in to see him....until tonight! She was in there, and I gave her a big hello... she walked away and ignored me as if I didn't even say anything... so I'm thinking maybe she just didn't hear me? I walked over to her station and said hi again, this time she looked up at me, gave me a dirty look and walked away! WTF... was she pissed that I stopped going to her? How childish can this adult be? Now my stylist was ready for me, I told him what just happened and he said , " Oh don't worry about it, she's a bitch, and very over protective over her clients" , I'm like OK, whatever lol...

June 08, 2007

Soprano Simpsons!

Soprano's or Simpson's fan?
You will appreciate this!

Watch the Video here

June 07, 2007


There is so much anticipation and so many theories how it will end this Sunday night.
As a loyal Sopranos fan, I have given this a lot of thought and have come up with how I think it should end.... ready...
I'm hoping that the show ends with Bob Newhart waking up in bed with Suzanne Pleshette and realizing that the whole thing was just a dream....

June 05, 2007


As I sit here and watch the first night of America's Got Talent on NBC, I cannot help but wonder, where is all the talent? I think the TV reality thing has gone to far, it seems like all the new shows are all reality crap, now granted some of it is actually entertaining, but enough is enough already! Sharon Osbourne as a judge? Uh did I miss something here? She actually walked off the show a little while ago in a tirade on national tv, if this is supposed to be a "Reality show" why do they have all this fake staged crap? Yes it was VERY obvious! I thought last season Regis was an awful host, this year its Jerry Springer? Geez, has tv really come to this? But no one else has anything else on tonight so of course they will get big ratings and it will continue and did I mention that it is now continuing into the second hour? TWO HOURS of this! But on a brighter note, I certainly would rather watch this reality show than the Gene Simmons reality show, which just got renewed for another season... you gotta wonder,who is watching that crap?

May 25, 2007


The camera is on a conveyor belt at a Tokyo sushi bar.

May 22, 2007


OK, I did it again and cannot figure it out! I went to Walmart to buy ONE THING, Olive Oil, sure I like to save a few bucks so why not go to Walmart and save some money, right? WRONG!!! I believe there is something going on in that store... How is it possible, I go in to buy this one item, and again I end up walking out spending 70 bucks on other things besides the olive oil??? I think there is something in the air, in the store, on the floor, somewhere inside walmart that makes you purchase more than what you came in for! It has to be, I know I am not the only one that this happens too, I have talked to others and found out I am not alone, so what is causing this? Is this the real reason why walmart does so well maybe?

May 21, 2007


Fun reading, have a look!

May 20, 2007


I was reading some research and it said, color is very important for blogs. It also told me that my prior colors were not good! Go figure, huh...Anyway, I decided to take the experts advice and change the color of my blog, hope it is easier on the eyes and you spend some more time reading it. I will try my best to give you more to read in that case as well!

May 03, 2007


It's a never ending adventure... I went to Walmart for two things, and as usual ended up with a shopping cart full, AGAIN! I have yet to figure that one out, I'll address that on another blog. After doing laps around the store and filling up the cart, I go to get in line and the lines are our of control, people waiting all over the place! Then as I am looking for a shorter line I notice the "10 items or less" lane only has 1 person on it, but I have way more then 10 items.... WAIT! I got it, i will separate the items to make it OK, that's OK, right? So the cashier is kind enough to remind me after I got about 15 items on the belt that its 10 or less, I replied, I know....then it's my turn some guy with two obnoxious kids comes up next to me and of course only has 2 packs of gum, I could see the way he was looking at me he was getting ready to say something, she scans my first bunch of items and I pull out my credit card and he says "So this is how you get past the 10 item rule you have them scanned separate" and of course he says it in a real sarcastic voice, I didn't reply for once, i kept my mouth shut, as to not get into a fight in Walmart! Then the cashier hands me the receipt for the first order and he opens his mouth again and says to the cashier, "Why don't you just go ahead and ring up the rest of his stuff on the same ticket, we all know what he's trying to pull here"... I said excuse me sir, I need to have those items rung up separately, they are being paid for out of a different fund, and then (Quick "Rich thinking here") , I pulled out cash, rather then my credit card again to pay for the rest.... he felt like an idiot, I was smiling inside! OK, so I know I wasn't right in the first place, but hey. i just wanted to give Walmart my money and get out and i was in no mood to wait in one of those long lines....

April 26, 2007

Rosie Is Out, Again!

Rosie O’Donnell is leaving The View. No one really knows what happened, YET... but I do know one thing IS for sure...Rosie will leave the show in June.

Rosie said "I’ve decided we couldn’t come to terms with my deal." Rosie wanted one year and ABC wanted three years. She says she’ll be on frequently next season but won’t be a regular.

Barbara said she’s sad and that they have not thought of a replacement. yea, OK ..thats why word is already out in Hollywood to find one.

Hey Rosie, they couldn’t come to terms with you because they don’t want you on the show! There is a big rumor going around that Rosie thinks she can get her own show. I believe she has already failed at that venture before.

I guess she, once again lives up to her name "
Super Schmuck"

PS: I remember saying on my show numerous times, "She won't make it past the first year on the view" Thank you!

April 18, 2007


OK, so the last few weeks I have been a nervous wreck, when to ask? Will I do it right? Will she like the ring? its not that I didn't want to get engaged, I just am a chicken I guess, but I finally got the nerve up and gave her the ring right before we went to bed last night and..... I have a Fiance' now!!! WOOOO HOOOOOOO!

Rich & Tiffany :)

More to come, I have to go do laundry now , lol

March 27, 2007


Oh and if you wanna hear some more.... go to

March 23, 2007

March 19, 2007


This just happened to me, and I must say, WOW, it blew my mind! I was driving to the store, and I noticed a van that looked just like this on the side of the road, parked close to the curb as if it were broken down or abandoned. I was traveling the other direction, but out of the corner of my eye I noticed all these very bright lights flashed quickly off of this van.... Hmm, what was going on? I was determined to find out, so when I headed back the other way, I pulled over about a block before the van and sat there and watched. I didn't see any flashes, but as I was getting ready to pull out into traffic, BAM, flashes o-plenty from the van...my hunch had been right, it was portable photo radar! As I carefully (under the speed limit) came up to the van about 500 feet before it, a small sign that read..."Police Photo Radar Ahead".... Now mind you I was extra aware because I was noticing everything, but I must say there is no way anyone see's that sign as you get closer to this van. I guess there must be some kind of law that says they must post a sign to do photo radar, after all they are taking a picture of your car and you behind the wheel. I just think this is amazing, that now you don't even need a law enforcement officer to give you a speeding ticket! Up until now, the only places they used this kind of equipment was at busy intersections and those are not for speeders they are only for people who go thru the red light. So obviously this new technology is one step ahead, since its in a van they can move it whenever and where ever they want! So be forewarned, this is now happening here in Denver, and probably wherever you are as well! Look out for the white van, oh I should mention the street I was on the speed limit was 35, this must have been set at 40.

March 17, 2007


Being from New York, I of course miss certain foods, so if you have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know how excited I got when I found a place here in Denver serving Nathan's hot dogs... (They weren't the "Real" ones from NY). Anyway, today i am shopping in King Soopers and I walk by the hot dogs and i see a huge sign, NEW PRODUCT.... NY DELI HOT DOGS! Wow, finally a little piece of home for Rich! So needless to say I am excited about biting into one of these NY Deli dogs... I get home, boil some water, (Yes they do taste best when boiled) and I open the fridge take em out and as I am slicing open the package, I notice something I didn't see in the store...in small print under where it says NY DELI HOT DOGS, it says , are you ready for this..... MADE IN OHIO! Now to borrow a phrase from Tiffany, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? OHIO???
Geeez, I fell for it again and got ripped off, yes I cooked them and tried them anyway, with the hope that maybe they would actually taste like the dogs you get in NY Deli's....
NOT EVEN CLOSE! Oh well, I think next time, I will def look at the fine print before paying for anything again!

March 14, 2007


WOW, if you have not seen this DVD yet, you must! Tiffany has been telling me about this for a while and like the fool I am, I put off watching it until the other night...boy am I sorry I didn't watch it sooner! It is very powerful, and the message is so obvious and clear. As time goes on I will write more about it, but I know it's working already that is all I can report now, it actually started working for me the day after I watched it! WOW!!!

March 10, 2007


It's Saturday night and we were getting ready to go to dinner....Tiffany says let's get BBQ tonite, in the past we have been to, Bono's BBQ and Bennet's BBQ, I have to say after living all over the south, I do know a bit about good BBQ, neither one of these places do, although its def not bad, just not real authentic BBQ. So tonite Tiffany says 'Let's try a different place..." I said OK , where, she says " Brothers BBQ", now mind you I am in no way racist, but when I heard about this place, I immediately thought, Yea Brothers BBQ, its gotta be some good BBQ! So I said , I am def in, lets go..... Well we should have known when we went in and had to wait in line to order our food, and the motif was motorcycles hanging from the ceiling that this was not the kind of place I had imagined! I'll let you get the picture of what I thought Brothers BBQ, was gonna be like.... OK so we both ordered the same thing, it was the half chicken special... half chicken and two sides 8.99 oh and it comes with a bun too... so here I am thinking , well how bad can this be.. as we were waiting for the food I was looking at the menu and I see half chicken 5.99 and sides are 1.49 each, so what the heck is the big deal about the special then? The bun maybe? After waiting patiently in an empty restaurant (That should have tipped us off on a Saturday night) the cashier brought our food over... Now let me start by saying we ordered two HALF CHICKEN DINNERS, for some reason she brought us what looked like two hens! IF these were chickens it must have come from the Gerber Farm in New Jersey.... the cole slaw wasn't shredded enough, they should have called that sliced cabbage, the fries had no taste and get this, its supposed to be a BBQ place, so one would think the bun would be like Texas toast or garlic bread, right? WRONG! It was a hamburger bun, plain and not even toasted, HELLO? What the heck is that all about??? Oh Well, we already paid and we were very hungry and its raining outside, how bad can this be, even though it looks weird and small, right? WRONG AGAIN Bucko! The chicken had no taste as did the fries and coleslaw as well, what to do? Try the 5 different BBQ sauces, which were all over the counter for sale... this was a new experience as well, I went to squeeze it on the chicken and it came out like water, and then we tried the others and guess what? They were all like water! We couldn't believe they actually sell this stuff at the counter to take home! Does anyone buy it? Well it was all we had, and hopefully water or no water, it would add some flavor to what turned out to be tasteless food, guess again, didn't help at all. So after ten mins went by, we were all done, and ready to go, but we had to clean our own table first! Yes they had garbage pails all set up like in McDonald's to clean up your own stuff...yes classy all the way here! Bottom line, if the Brother's aren't running the place, run away fast it ain't worth trying! Brothers BBQ in Denver...my rating out of ten, I give it a -5, and that is being kind! As usual, I welcome your thoughts.

February 28, 2007


When it comes to size, bigger is better! There are medium, large and jumbo...I bought the jumbo, uh I am talking about olives here! Anyway the cans all have pictures with the so called "Actual size" on them, so when I buy the jumbo, I expect to have the jumbo olives, but NOOOOO, I get the medium olives in the jumbo can. This really bugs me! Something about the larger size ones just taste better, I bought two cans and both said jumbo but they were medium sized. That really makes me mad, after all you should get what you pay for...

OK i feel a little bit better now that I got this off my chest!

February 24, 2007


Just got home from a sneak preview of the new movie "Wild Hogs", starring John Travolta, William H Macy, Tim Allen and Martin Lawrence. All I can say is, when this film opens next week, GO SEE IT! I haven't laughed this hard in a very long time. Both Tiffany and I laughed and laughed almost the entire film, as did the rest of the folks in the theatre. One of the funny scenes is when they first get on their bikes to head west, Tiffany has this scene on her blog here http://www.TiffRants.com

February 19, 2007

21+10 DETAILS...

Coming soon, nuff said:)

February 12, 2007


I found these sites interesting thought you may too!




Oh,and of course my own site


If you find them interesting too, let me know and I'll add more to this list soon!