May 03, 2007


It's a never ending adventure... I went to Walmart for two things, and as usual ended up with a shopping cart full, AGAIN! I have yet to figure that one out, I'll address that on another blog. After doing laps around the store and filling up the cart, I go to get in line and the lines are our of control, people waiting all over the place! Then as I am looking for a shorter line I notice the "10 items or less" lane only has 1 person on it, but I have way more then 10 items.... WAIT! I got it, i will separate the items to make it OK, that's OK, right? So the cashier is kind enough to remind me after I got about 15 items on the belt that its 10 or less, I replied, I know....then it's my turn some guy with two obnoxious kids comes up next to me and of course only has 2 packs of gum, I could see the way he was looking at me he was getting ready to say something, she scans my first bunch of items and I pull out my credit card and he says "So this is how you get past the 10 item rule you have them scanned separate" and of course he says it in a real sarcastic voice, I didn't reply for once, i kept my mouth shut, as to not get into a fight in Walmart! Then the cashier hands me the receipt for the first order and he opens his mouth again and says to the cashier, "Why don't you just go ahead and ring up the rest of his stuff on the same ticket, we all know what he's trying to pull here"... I said excuse me sir, I need to have those items rung up separately, they are being paid for out of a different fund, and then (Quick "Rich thinking here") , I pulled out cash, rather then my credit card again to pay for the rest.... he felt like an idiot, I was smiling inside! OK, so I know I wasn't right in the first place, but hey. i just wanted to give Walmart my money and get out and i was in no mood to wait in one of those long lines....

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