March 17, 2007


Being from New York, I of course miss certain foods, so if you have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know how excited I got when I found a place here in Denver serving Nathan's hot dogs... (They weren't the "Real" ones from NY). Anyway, today i am shopping in King Soopers and I walk by the hot dogs and i see a huge sign, NEW PRODUCT.... NY DELI HOT DOGS! Wow, finally a little piece of home for Rich! So needless to say I am excited about biting into one of these NY Deli dogs... I get home, boil some water, (Yes they do taste best when boiled) and I open the fridge take em out and as I am slicing open the package, I notice something I didn't see in the small print under where it says NY DELI HOT DOGS, it says , are you ready for this..... MADE IN OHIO! Now to borrow a phrase from Tiffany, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? OHIO???
Geeez, I fell for it again and got ripped off, yes I cooked them and tried them anyway, with the hope that maybe they would actually taste like the dogs you get in NY Deli's....
NOT EVEN CLOSE! Oh well, I think next time, I will def look at the fine print before paying for anything again!

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