August 18, 2006


This lady walks into an ice cream place and says "Yes, I'd like a quart of vanilla, a quart of strawberry, and a quart of chocolate," and the guy says "I'm sorry, we're out of chocolate." So the lady says "Oh, okay, that's alright, just give me three quarts of vanilla, three quarts of strawberry, and three quarts of chocolate." The guy says "Excuse me, ma'am, we don't have any chocolate." "Oh, well in that case, I'll have a gallon of vanilla, a gallon of strawberry, and a gallon of chocolate." "Ma'am, we don't have any chocolate!" "Then I'll have two gallons of vanilla, two gallons of strawberry, and two gallons of chocolate." "Ma'am, how can I communicate this to you? We have no chocolate!!!" the guy is obviously starting to get frustrated, but the lady goes on ... "Well, all I want is three gallons of vanilla, three gallons of strawberry, and three gallons of chocolate!" "I’m so sorry ma’am, THERE ISN'T ANY CHOCOLATE -- look, can you spell 'van' like in 'vanilla'?" he asks. "Why, of course I can! V-A-N." "Now, can you spell 'straw' like in 'strawberry'?" "Indeed yes -- S-T-R-A-W." "Now can you spell 'frig' like in 'chocolate'?" "What kind of a question is that? There is no 'frig' in chocolate!" "THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU!"

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